May 21, 2011

The Evolution of Good and Evil

Far too many Christians have a one-track mind when it comes to the usage of a word. Words, like “The Word,” can have two edges. That is, they can be used in more than one way.  It is not wise to condemn a word by association. To sight just one case, is that despised word, abort. But there are times when it is good and right to use the word. For example, “Because of mechanical problems, the flight was aborted.”

And so it is with the word “evolution.” Rage should not surge through one when it is used in the right connotation. Among its several meanings are, 1. an unfolding; process of development or change. 2. to develop gradually. And so, the scriptures teach there is an evolution in the lives of both saint and sinner.    

As to the latter we are told, “Evil men…shall wax worse and worse.” But of the former, it is written, “As touching brotherly love…ye [should] increase more and more.” And so, as the one gets worse and worse, the other is to be getting, better and better. I have seen the first taking place over the last fifty years, at a rapid pace. But have noticed very little of the second happening, as it relates to the Body of Christ.

Many fear by loving all the brethren they it will be seen by their peers as diluting their convictions; but to the contrary, it will make them more savory. Try it; both you and the recipients will like it. By the way, it never fails!


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