Jul 31, 2012

Slandering Paul

There seems to be three types of preaching and teaching on Grace today: Grace-less, grace-full, or a grace that is a disgrace. I’d like to believe I belong in the second category. As to the first group, it appears that all their sermons are prepared from Mount Sinai. Possibly, they’ve never heard of Mount Calvary.

But it’s the third in the above list that I’m concerned with in this writing. It’s because of these “perverts,” Paul’s words, not mine, that true Grace advocates get a “bad rap.” Jude speaks of these as “turning the grace of God into lasciviousness” (that is, lustful, licentious, or lewd living).

Paul said of his own grace teaching and preaching: “(we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come.” His answer to this slur was “God forbid how shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?” Mr. Law was my tutor; Miss Grace is my teacher; her moral standards are no less than his (Tit.2:11-12).

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