Dec 19, 2013

A Branded Conscience

"Having their conscience seared with a hot iron..." I once heard a preacher illustrate this text by applying it to a branded calf. He said, once the seared place healed, you could jab it with a penknife and the beast would nor flinch; it was now insensitive in that area. 

There has been much discussion and written about the subject of conscience. Generally speaking, there seems to be no debate it is an inner sense of what is right and wrong in one's conduct or motives. As to the latter, before conversion, because of depravity, there is a bent to follow the evil. Concerning the former, after salvation, because of the divine nature, there is a leaning to pursue the good.

It seems when Satan has put his brand upon an individual life by cauterizing their conscience, there is no longer conviction. That is, no conviction without conscience! John.8:9 tells us, "...being convicted by their own conscience..." If as the old adage says, "Conscience is your guide," when seared, the two choices will disappear. And you will naturally choose the latter, though it is no longer set before you, it is ingrained in you. What will be missing is the good.

The devil is no respecter of persons when it comes to the ruination of a life. Young or old, it matters not to him. Many religious young people, because of their continual refusal to do the good and leave off the bad, have had their conscience seared, just like the old reprobate in the gutter. What a chilling thought, to go through life in such a hopeless condition!      

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