Sep 29, 2014

Good Advice

“…with the well advised is wisdom.” My wife did an excellent article recently on advice. I thought I'd emulate her example to my readers. Only ignorant pride keeps us from taking good advice. I know Christians whose lives are now in shambles, simply because they refused to ask advice and if they did, rejected it, when given. And, of course, there are those who boast of both listening to and taking counsel from others, but who, after investigation, took the advice only because it was in agreement with their plans.

Jeroboam was such a person. He asked the advice of the aged men; but forsook it for the younger men’s, who were in agreement with him. His problem was the same many have today. The elders had been where he was, but he had never been where they had been. What fool asks someone about a road they themselves have never traveled?

David, in spite of a set mind to do one thing, was changed by the godly advice of a weaker vessel. After hindsight consideration, he says to Abigail, “…blessed be thy advice, and blessed be thou, which hast kept me this day from________.” I cannot tell you the good advice I have had through these long years that has kept me from_________. How about you? It’s not too late to ask, listen, and heed, good advice.

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