Sep 12, 2015

Commandments or Consequences

There used to be a program on the “telly” (as the Irish call it) called “Truth or Consequences.” There may be some reruns of it, but, for the most part, it is forgotten. In the Old Testament we have “commandments or consequences,” but these also seem to have passed off the scene, with a possible rerun in a pulpit here and there. The consequence of breaking God’s commandments seems to be of no consequence in the Church today.

It would seem by the way many Christians live, and the preaching that is heard, that God’s moral law is no longer in effect. True, a Christian is no longer under the strict dietary laws and the stringent regulations of the Mosaic Law, but God has never abrogated the Ten Commandments. Are we to believe that the Grace of God has a lower moral standard than the Law? I think not (Tit.2:11-12).

Paul lists each of the Ten Commandments in his grace Epistles (with the exception of the Sabbath, which was replaced by the Lord’s Day). He considers the keeping of them to be the moral marks of a Christian. Let me make it plain; we do not keep them to be saved, or to stay saved, but because we are saved. We are preaching on sins manufactured by man and not plainly spelled out in the Bible. Adultery, lying, dishonoring parents, covetousness, etc, are running rampant in both pulpits and pews, while we concern ourselves with “pseudo-sins”

The Holy Spirit will not convict of a sin that God has not listed as one.

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