Feb 17, 2017

I'm Almost Persuaded...I Guess


“Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.” Associated with arriving at this blissful and peaceful place of total confidence, is the use of the mind. To come to this point, you must be one who thinks things through. To go by your feelings, others’ opinions, or any other substitute, will only end in your being tossed about. It is not sufficient to be almost; you must be altogether persuaded, to have settledness and stability of soul.


The background of our text, as found in the fourteenth chapter of Romans, concerns minor, or secondary, things in the Christian life. Those gray areas, if you please. Contrary to what some, whom Paul describes as “somewhats” say, no individual or group has a corner on all the truth. Two Christians, holding two completely different viewpoints, may be fully persuaded theirs is right. It is here the tug-of-war begins. Or as some call it, a “Mexican stand-off.”


Is there a right or wrong concerning these questionable things? Is one worse off if he does, and the other better off if he doesn’t? No! For God has received them both, and they are each accountable to Him. God (unlike us) knows that culture and upbringing, as well as temperament, play a large part in how we come to our conclusions in shaded areas. Like it or not, although all the Scriptures are inspired, they still have a “human-flavoredness.” And so we conclude, the issue is not “to do or not to do,” but rather, “to be and let be.”

“Intellectual stimulation ceases when all around you think just like you.” (rds)

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