Mar 19, 2017

A Stone From the Brook

"The waters wear the stones.” The sense here is that constant changes are going on in nature. Over a period of years, as the swift waters flow over these ragged-edged stones, and they continually collide with one another, they become smooth. Such a process is not accomplished in a day.

And so it is with God’s elect. We lie in the stream of life, tossed to and fro, and are battered about until the rough edges are gone. It is then that a greater than David reaches His nail-pierced hand into the swift-moving current and lifts us out. And, for what purpose? To do with one insignificant smooth stone what Saul’s entire army could not do: take down a giant. Marvelous, is it not, the potential of one little stone?

The next time you’re “rubbed wrong,” remember; God is taking off the rough places.

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