Jan 21, 2010

Satan and Appetite

“And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes…she took of the fruit thereof.” Although Satan does not know our thoughts, nevertheless he does know our natural disposition and temperament. This is true both in the physical and spiritual realm.

The wind and the tide go together, and so do his temptations with our temperaments. He goes along side of us, not contrary. He doesn’t lure with sauerkraut if your taste buds are programmed for spaghetti! Just because something is good doesn’t mean it’s of God. One writer put it this way, “He [Satan] wraps his poisonous pills in sugar.”

The old Puritan Thomas Brooks said, “Satan, like a fisher, baits his hook according to the appetite of the fish.” He hides the hook beneath the tantalizing bait. And of this you can be sure, whenever one takes his bait, he or she is hooked; none get away. Therefore, before you take that first bite, consider not what you’re getting, but what you’ll be losing.

All Satan’s apples have worms. Dr. John R. Rice

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