Jan 30, 2010

*Blessed Forever

“Thou blessest, O Lord, and it shall be blessed forever.” What God hath blessed, no man can “un-bless.” Even the hireling prophet, Balaam, knew this. When called upon by Balak to curse God’s people, he said “He hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it.” We do no injustice in applying Isaac’s words concerning Jacob to our Lord, “I have…blessed him…and he shall be blessed.”
This being true, why do so many Christian’s live lives in seeming bereavement, rather than blessing? One word is the answer: “Appropriation.” It means, “To take for one’s own.” You can have a $1000.00 check in your possession for years and still die a pauper. You must cash it in. God gave the land to Israel, but they had to personally appropriate it (Josh.1:3); and He gave more than they took (Josh.13:1).

Whereas Israel’s blessings were predominately earthly and physical; the Church’s are heavenly and Spiritual, (in both cases there are exceptions to the rule). Proof of the latter is Eph.1:3, “Blessed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly [places] in Christ.” Jesus came to bless (Acts 3:26. He ascended, blessing (Lk.24:51). And He continues today (Eph.1:3).

God does not want us to pray for something He has already given; He wants us to take it by faith! (Jn.4:50-51).

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