Jan 2, 2010

The Cost of Obeying God

Any enlightened informed Christian is astutely aware that our age is characterized by a shallow, milk-sop, type of professor. As the sub-heading of Today’s Journal say’s, it’s for “thinking people.” I trust any who read this article do not fall into the above category of the dunces with their hats on, sitting proudly in some corner. If so, two things are certain. First, they’ll be highly offended by what I write today; and secondly, they will not be able to conceive of the God they envision doing anything like I’m going to describe. The reason being, their God has been created by their own imagination, and does things only as they would do them (Psl.50:21 cp. Isa.55:8).

In Matthew’s gospel we read of Herod putting innocent children to death. And why was this? Simply because the Wise Men obeyed God. You might say these little ones were the first martyrs for Jesus’ sake in the New Testament! Think of all the parents, siblings, and loved ones who were deprived of having the benefit of seeing that toddler grow-up. How one might point the finger of blame at these three men for their own personal misery. But no child of God ever needs to feel guilt for obeying the Lord. The only important thing in this life is that God’s Darling Son be glorified, even if it is at our or others’ expense. And so, let us count the cost of following Christ. Not only the cost to us, but to others around us.

The song writer had it right when he penned, “It’s not an easy road we are travelling to Heaven!”

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