Feb 18, 2016

Overwhelmed By the World

Some years ago, while browsing in a Christian bookstore, a title of one of the books caught my attention; the name was, Your God is Too Small. I find this to be true when I feel the world has become too much for me. Whenever the flesh replaces faith in my life, it is then God is dwarfed. Only a Mighty God, not a midget god, can handle this overpowering world.

Paul tells us that “[God]...is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.” What then is our problem? We ask too little and think too small. Our mistake is in thinking God is altogether such an one as ourselves (Psl.50:21). Thus we ask according as a man would ask a man, expecting from the Infinite One no more than finite man can provide.

After 2000 years, we are still standing around asking Him, “Lord, if thou canst do anything… help us.” And He is still saying to us, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.”

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