Feb 16, 2016

Life's Commentary

I have several good commentaries on my bookshelf, mostly old ones. They can be very helpful, and at the same time hurtful, if not read objectively.

But the greatest commentary on life is the Bible itself. As the old southern black preacher said, “De Bible do shed a lot of light on dem commentaries.”

The Bible is the number one “How To” book on living a full, rich, rewarding life that’s satisfying to the soul. Life is more than just existing; it can be exciting. Even with its trials.

God, in His Word, tells us, “The whole duty of man”; and what the individual who Loves life, and [would] see good days,” should do. His Book, a bestseller, has all the answers.

God never intended us to simply live life, but to live it on a higher plane. Our Lord told us we can live life one of two ways, with our cup full or overflowing! It’s ours to choose.

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