Feb 1, 2008

He Stole My Heart

I feel like Samuel Rutherford when he said, “Since He looked upon me my heart is not my own, He hath run away to heaven with it.” Jesus Christ is my life; I’d like to believe He has all the love and loyalty this frail vessel is capable of giving.

But I blush to admit, because of this feeble flesh, I am not always what I ought and want to be to Him. But, blessed be His name, He has always been to me everything He promised to be. For half a century now He has been my Saviour, God, friend, lover, protector, provider, councilor, physician, and defender. I could go on and on, but as John the Beloved said, “…the world itself could not contain the books that should be written,” if I were to tell all He is and means to me.

I am grieved by professing Christians today who make much of God and little of His Son. A Christian can no more get to God by-passing Jesus than a sinner can. You cannot ignore God’s Beloved Son and honour God. “All men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father.”

The test for every false religion is, “What think ye of Christ?” Not, “Do you believe in God?” James writes, “Thou believest that there is one God…the devils also believe, and tremble.”

Contrary to the religious peddlers of our day, God’s emphasis is not on the family, politics, church, and pet doctrines, but on His Darling Son! Please listen to this old disciple, if you want God’s blessings upon your life and ministry in a very special way; then make much of His Son. Like any father, God loves it when His Son is bragged about!

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