Feb 16, 2008

*Something You Can Hang Your Hat On

“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.” His methods may change, but never the Man. His sterling character is changeless. Paul was telling these primitive believers that the God of the Old Testament saints was the same in their times. And added that He will remain such even unto our day. Therefore we can repeat this precious promise to our generation. He is the same in the 21st century as He was in the 1st. And He will continue to be such forever. That’s something you can depend on.

If at one time he loved you, He loves you still; if at one time He was with you, He is with you still; if at one time He owned you as His own, then He owns you still. We do not have a fickle Savior, but a faithful one. Ours is not a vacillating God; He is covenant-keeping one. Christ is changeless in a changeable world. Or as the hymn writer wrote: “Change and decay in all around I see: O Thou Who changes not, abide with me.”

Christ is the Rock that keeps the rock of Gibraltar steady.

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