Sep 5, 2009

The Devils Delight

“I am weary with repenting.” Matthew Henry says of this text, “ is a strange expression; they [Israel] had behaved so provokingly, especially by their treacherous professions of repentance, that they had put even infinite patience itself to the stretch.”

Jesus, John the Baptist, Peter, and Paul all preached repentance. It is a doctrine that you hear very little about today. In fact, one group of Dispensationalists teaches that repentance is not for our age. By observing the life styles of many Christians, it seems they would agree!

Repentance is a turning about. Some think of it as simply “changing lanes” and continuing in the same direction. But it is not flowing into a different line of traffic; it is making an abrupt U-turn and going the opposite way. God is tired of those people who are always repenting, but who never change. It is this kind that the Devil delights in.

Some of us need to repent of our repenting.

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