Sep 6, 2009

A New Face on Suffering

“Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?” You can still hear this shallow question being asked in our age. Be assured; shallow questions always originate from shallow beliefs. Such people cannot see anything below the surface. There exists today in Christendom the same superficial belief of bygone years. It is that all suffering is related to some sin committed.

The people who advocate such nonsensical beliefs do great harm and damage both spiritually and psychologically to the sufferer. An affliction becomes doubly burdensome when given a false interpretation. Our conception of a thing determines its weight in our lives. If I look upon my ailment as from an offended God, I will carry it around like a prisoner does a ball and chain. But if I see behind it my gracious Refiner, I can calmly wait, knowing it is beneficial.

Thankfully, our precious Lord still continues to relieve the sufferer of the callous crowd’s false interpretation of his infirmity. “Neither did this man sin, nor his parents.” The stormy winds of winter now become the fresh breeze of spring. All becomes transfigured when Jesus puts a new face on suffering. He says it’s for the glory of God. Who can’t bear up through the pain and tears when they hear these words?

Job’s miserable comforters know nothing about Job’s merciful God.

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