Feb 9, 2010

Misplaced Loyalty

The saying, “They’re loyal to a fault,” sounds good on the surface; but a deeper probing will show the malignancy of this. Such people are taking loyalty to the extreme and will find in the end, it generally causes more harm than good. To be sure, these people fall under the category of having “misplaced loyalties.”

When loved ones and friends can do no wrong in our sight, we need a second touch from the Lord (Mk.8:23-25). We can’t get away with using the worn out quip, “Love’s blind,” as our excuse for not seeing their defect. As Dr. Bob Jones Sr. said, “Love is not blind, it just refuses to see.” Principles always trump personalities. And that includes everyone from our favorite Guru to darling Grandpa.

Paul tells us only Spiritual people are to deal with those who have, more or less, been “run over,” so to speak, by a fault in their life. Carnal sentimentality will close its eyes to others’ sad condition under the guise of compassion. Had someone called attention to the butler’s fault of his short memory, no doubt Joseph would not have had to spend those two extra, miserable years in confinement.(Gen.40:23;41:1a, 9).

Our loyalty is due not to our species but to God. (C.S. Lewis)

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