Apr 1, 2012

The Equal Yoke

“Take my yoke upon you…For my yoke is easy.” This is not like any other yoke in Scripture. It is not a “yoke of iron,” nor a “heavy yoke,” or is it a “yoke of bondage.” But it is an easy yoke to bear up under. The reason being that the One we are harnessing ourselves with “fainteth not, neither is weary.” This One whose name is called “Wonderful” carries the world upon His shoulders.

Therefore, when we bind ourselves to God’s Strong Servant we are exchanging our weak, feeble strength for His. This is truly Divine fellowship. To unite ourselves with any other is an “unequal yoke.” But when we join ourselves to Him that, my friend, is what we might call an equal yoke. For one of the main reasons He became like us was that He might help each of us pull the load of life.

You don’t have “pull your weight” when you’re yoked with Jesus.

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