Apr 30, 2012

It's the Face in the Mirror

“Wilt thou not revive us again..?” “...revive thy work.” “...thou wilt revive me.” There is a national, institutional, and personal revival. Great masses are praying for the first, some for the second, but few for the latter. There is debate as to the probability of the first; a number will concede to the second; but all agree that the third can be had. It’s doubtful the first two will ever happen until the third is experienced. You generally start a fire with one match or an individual spark.

Why is it we pray for national and institutional revival, but not a personal one? Oswald Chambers answers this question profoundly. He states, “A revival adds nothing; it simply brings back what had been lost and a confession of failure.” And here lies our problem. We are more than willing, in our self-righteous pride, to say that others need reviving, but never us, for that would be an admission that we are not as close to the Lord as we would like others to believe we are.

The prayer that brings personal revival is, “It’s not my brother, or my sister, but me, O Lord.”

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