May 2, 2014

*Rationalization vs. Revelation

Two good definitions given for the word rationalize, and its derivatives are; the practice of accepting reason as the only authority in determining one’s opinions or course of actions; to devise plausible explanations for (one’s acts, beliefs, etc.), usually in self-deception. Rationalization then is man reasoning apart from God’s revelation. No matter how common sense something may seem, without putting God in the equation we deceive ourselves. We are told today (it seems in every area of life) from psychology to theology, and all in between, that we are to be rational beings. But to be rational without revelation (the Scriptures) is not reasonable.

I like what Oswald Chambers has to say on this subject. The following are some of his quotes. “The boldness of rationalism is not in what it does, but in the way it criticizes…when it comes to action the rationalist is amazingly timid…Nothing bold has ever been done in the name of rationalism…no rationalist has ever produced the heroism, the adventure, or the nobility that the people and things he criticized have produced…We hear it said that Jesus Christ taught nothing contrary to common sense: everything Jesus Christ taught was contrary to common sense.”

Let each of us then follow the wise man's advice when he tells us to, “…lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

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