May 12, 2014

The Great Jail Break

Some years ago, I was holding a meeting in a southern city. A young pastor, whose father is a preacher, and an acquaintance of mine, called and wanted to have lunch with me. The host pastor and I met him in a local restaurant, and at the conclusion of our meal, he interrogated me in depth on some positions I had changed my view on. After I had explained the reasons, the whys and the Scriptural basis for doing so, I was shocked to hear his reply.

After a brief pause (for he is a thinker), he made this statement, “You know, I believe just about like you do on all these points, but I’m waiting till my father passes on before I say anything about it.”

You may say, “How pathetic,” but there are scores of pastors and people who hold views that are contrary to the status quo, and who are doing the same thing in principle. The reason for this is that the “cultic” group they are associated with would brand them as apostates or heretics if they were even to hint that they believed any other view than that to which the group holds.

Therefore, in such situations, one has a choice to make: Stay in and let your mind lie dormant, while others do your thinking; or break out of jail and enjoy the intellectual freedom to pursue boundless Biblical and intellectual truths. I chose the latter of these and have never been sorry I did.

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