Jan 22, 2018

Hopeless Hopers

“…all hope that we should be saved was then taken away.” The poet, Joaquin Miller, wrote these following lines in his poem that he simply called, Columbus: “What shall we do when hope is gone…Sail on! Sail on! Sail on! and on!” He got his inspiration for writing this from reading Columbus’ log from his first voyage across the uncharted Atlantic. In spite of storms, the threat of mutiny, hunger, darkness, and exhaustion, over and again, the captain recorded these words, “This day we sail on.”

Paul was one of those rare breeds who believe, no matter what, you keep on keeping on. He was like Abraham of old, who, “against hope, believed in hope.” He could go against all odds and encourage others to “…be of good cheer.” This was because of the fact that he belonged to God—lock, stock, and barrel. His telling testimony was, “For their stood by me this night…God, whose I am…”

"If Christ is our Hope, we need never lose hope."

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