Mar 24, 2010

The Christ of the Crisis

I heard an old hill preacher at a camp meeting once say, “You can depend on Jesus showing up whenever there’s a need in your life.” The scriptures amplify this truth over and over again. As the song says, “He’s the Christ of every crisis.” No predicament upsets, frustrates, or causes Him anxiety. He is always in control of every situation.

Things and people have a strange way of changing from bad to good, and from impossible to possible when Jesus arrives on the scene. Mary and Martha can attest to this, as well as those attending the marriage in Cana. Legions of people both in Bible times and history can testify to the fact that Jesus Christ conquered every crisis arising in their lives.

The one necessary crisis in a saint’s life that will take care of all other crises is a complete abandonment to Jesus Christ! It is then, and only then, that He becomes Lord of every crisis in one’s life. The disciples found in the midst of a “great storm,” by taking Jesus into the ship there was suddenly “a great calm.” And so will it be with you, dear child of God.

Jesus can make “what might have been” a living reality.

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