Mar 3, 2010

Worldly Husbands

“But he that is married careth for the things that are of the world, how he may please his wife.” The same is said of the wife’s relation to her husband, but I’ll let my wife write on that one. What I’m concerned with is us husbands. I’m a little put out by these guys that want nothing to do with anything that smacks of the secular, or to use their term, “worldliness.” Bud, you should have thought of that before you married! If you wanted to serve God and please only Him, you ought to have joined a monastery. Worldliness has to do with affections, “Love not the world”; our affections are to be in heaven. But we’re told we can legitimately and spiritually use the world, just not abuse it. All ground is holy ground to the child of God. There is no secular and sacred to him or her.

It is written that the first Tabernacle was “worldly.” That is, God used something the world used, but with a different purpose and motive. You know, the same way we drive cars, wear suits and ties, go to the same stores for food as the world does; but with a different intent: to glorify God. “Duh!” To not do most of the things the world does would mean, “Ye [must] needs go out of the world.” Remember, Heaven is the most extravagant and materialistic place you will ever see or be in. God didn’t put us here on earth to be miserable; He gave us all things to enjoy. So says the Apostle. Yes, we are in the world, but not of it. But that doesn’t change the fact that we are in it.

I’d remind some of you husbands who imagine yourself to be some kind of “Spiritual Giant,” not to be so heavenly minded that your wife finds you to be of no earthly good. This world is God’s Inn which we have stopped at on our way home. “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” Enjoy all the facilities He has put at your disposal. Some of you dedicated, godly, sanctified husbands need to forget your quest for personal “holiness” and hone in on making the wife of your youth “happy!” Sometimes it’s wiser to take her to a restaurant instead of a revival; buy her a bouquet of flowers in place of a new Bible; and in place of a camp meeting, how about a romantic get-away. Someone says, “But my wife doesn’t like those things”. Well then, I’d like to ask her what planet she came from. Evidently she has never been wooed by a real Christian man. Get to it fella’s, be a little worldly. God said it was ok!

When Christ chose the two elements for the Lord’s Supper, He used things the world used, but abused.

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