Sep 4, 2018

A Most Effective Wor

“Nevertheless, at thy word I will...  ”
(Lk. 5:5)

Peter and the others had toiled tirelessly throughout the long night, only to come up empty. It was a night of fatigue and failure, at the end of which, they could only say of the results from all their effort, “Nothing!”

Yet this humble Fisherman, of men, tells these frustrated professional fishermen to obey His command. And, at their obedience to His command, everything changed. What made the difference? It’s found in one word “nevertheless.” This word always makes history for a child of God. Sometimes, as in David’s case, in the negative sense. But in our setting, positive. As in many, many, other situations.

Vision, renewed strength, and hope, came after their“nevertheless.” The stormy road of obedience invariably leads to the promised pot-of-gold at the end. At the finish of a dull road there is a pleasant surprise awaiting all its travelers. Rugged paths lead to summits. Panoramic vision is the result of toilsome climbing. When all is dark and everything we hold dear is gone, when there is humanly no hope, at the end of each of these things may we always put the addendum: “nevertheless.”It is a most effective word!

“There is even a “nevertheless” after after it says, “THE END. It’s called Eternity!

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