“ Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.”
(Zech. 4:6)
Anything good, godly, lasting, true, or constructive done in this world has, is, and will be done by the Spirit of the living God! All else will come to naught. There are only two things on this earth that are truly Holy; the first being the Holy Word of God, and the second, equally true, the Lord’s Holy Spirit. Of the latter it can rightly be said that whoever or whatever He touches is Holy, whether it be a person or piece of ground.
The Bible speaks of a life lived in the Spirit: we are to be clothed with the Spirit; filled with the Spirit; led by the Spirit; baptized with the Spirit; anointed with the Spirit; we are to walk in the Spirit; live in the Spirit; manifest the fruit of the Spirit; have the power of the Spirit; we’re to be sealed with the Spirit. We are also taught by the Spirit, comforted by the Spirit; sanctified by the Spirit. To mention just a few of His ministries to us.
He is the most sensitive of the Godhead. One may speak against the Father or Son, yet forgiveness is possible. But not so with the third Person of the Trinity. (Mk. 3:29) He can be grieved, lied to, resisted, and quenched, among other things that cause Him deep hurt. This blessed Holy Person is forced to live in some horrid conditions in the houses He has taken up residency in. But he is a good house cleaner. He can make things spick and span, if we only ask Him!
“Paul speaks of the ‘Love of the Spirit.’ I Wonder, do we have a love for the Spirit?”