May 21, 2020


From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.
(Jn. 6:66-68)

Well over half a century ago the following took place. As a young evangelist, along with my wife, I held a yearly winter retreat for a church in Michigan. Louie Hanner was the pastor’s name. With no Bible schooling other than what he received in his church’ Sunday School, he entered the ministry from his profession as a barber. He built a great church with scores of young people, who loved him dearly. During our first year I preached a series of messages on Mary’s Alabaster Box. It was about being  devoted to Christ, all your lifelong. 

Many years passed and I was preaching at a tri-state summer youth camp in Chautauqua, Ohio. Before the first morning service, while standing in line at the chow hall with my wife waiting for breakfast, we heard a group of servers all lined up in their white coats, singing at the top of their voices. They were singing, “I have decided to follow Jesus — no turning back, no turning back.” It was the kids from previous years at Louie Hanner’s church. They were all grown now. They had families and some were doctors, missionaries, teachers, etc. BUT ALL STILL SERVING JESUS. The song was our theme those many, many years before. And they had not gone back on Him!

I have seen many over the years who have ceased to follow Him. You can spot them easily. They wander about in life, like they have no place to go. 

I have also observed those who have continued following Him, no matter what the cost! They also are easy to discern. They have found a resting place and are content with life and whatever comes their way, whether it be trial or blessing. The theme song of their lives is, “I HAVE DECIDED TO FOLLOW JESUS— I’LL NOT GO BACK, I’LL NOT GO BACK!

To anyone reading this article that is tempted to give up, I ask, “To ‘whom’ shall ye go?” Notice, it is a WHOM not a A WHAT! YOU WILL NEVER FIND ONE LIKE HIM!

By An Old Disciple

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