May 17, 2020

Talking to a Mountain

“Say unto this mountain, Be thou removed…” 
(Mk. 11:23) 

Jesus taught His disciples they were to be mountain-movers. I think it’s plain this was not to be taken literally (although there are cases where it actually happens). Nevertheless, there are other things in our lives just as immovable as a mountain.

Zerubbabel of the Old Testament is a good illustration of a mountain-mover. He realized the task that lay before him could not be done in his own strength, for the Lord had said unto him, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the lord of hosts.” And so, in the following verse we read, “Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain.”

Did you notice Jesus told us to speak to the mountain of our difficulties, and command it to be removed?” Is there something standing in your way today, keeping you from accomplishing God’s will, and living a fuller, richer, more victorious Christian life? Rather than passively accepting it, why not, on the authority of Jesus’ Word, command it to be removed, so that you can move on, going forward for God.

"Faith can make a mountain a molehill."

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